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We started out with an original '33 Ford wheel.  It was a little rough, but it will have the perfect look in the car when it's redone.

We'll use the horn button with the outer ring (originally used for a dome light switch).  It doesn't fit real well to the wheel so we'll make an aluminum adapter that we'll polish for a nice look.  The outside diameter will fit the flat area of the wheel perfectly.

We turned the ring in our lathe - it will look like an original piece when we're done.

Here's the finished piece (just brush finished at this point).  Now we need to down size the wheel and also give it a little depth. 
We had a company called Pearlcraft Steering Wheels in  Victoria, Australia reduce the diameter and add some depth to the wheel.  From here, we just need to do some primering and paintwork.
The wheel in it's final coats of primer.  One more blocking and it's ready for paint.
The finished piece.  It's going to look perfect in the coupe.  It's also nice to have a functioning wheel mounted horn button.


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