This area has always looked incomplete to
us, so we're going to make rear corners to finish it off a little
nicer. We've done this on several other cars, and it just seems a
little more complete. |
At this point, we've made a plate on the
top to bolt to the body, and just start roughing out the wheelwell
area. A little shaping is necessary, but not bad. |
Now we need to
make the curved rear section. This takes a little more shaping. |
Most of the shaping can
be done with the English wheel. Just keep working the metal until the
correct shape is attained. |
Here's the finished
piece. It can now be trimmed and added to the other section. |
It's trimmed and ready
to be welded together. |
welded, filed and sanded. Now just need to finish the inside edge
around tank and frame rail. |
finished with a nice fit between corner piece and rail. |
done. Now we need to move that tank mounting hole underneath the corner
piece. |