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 Here's the stock floor as delivered from Brookville.  We need to raise it several inches for clearance.  We're also going to keep it as stock appearing as possible.
 This piece was made to raise the floor at the front of the area that's being raised.  At this point it been welded to the rest of the floor section.
 It's raised (just setting in there) but we need to fill the original hold, plus make the X's all the same
 First we filled the hole (along with adding the original bead across the area).
 The area finished, just need to finish the X.
 Here we added the bead to finish the X.
 Here the floor has been welded back in.  You can see the side risers also (in bare metal).  Also access doors have been built for access to fuel regulator and tank vent.
 Looking toward the rear of the car.  When it's all painted, it will not be obvious anything has been done.