The original cowl
vent didn't look bad initially, but when you really start looking close,
there were many areas pretty rusty. The only real fix was to replace
the entire unit. We ordered one from Brookville Roadster.
Here's what was
removed. A pretty big hole, but this will leave plenty of room to
work the cowl back into shape as we're welding. We've rounded the
corners so as to not concentrate too much heat in a small area (as a
90 degree corner would).
At this point we
have several small tack welds around the entire perimeter. We've been
lightly hammering on these as we go, along with some filling and
Everything is welded
completely - now the tedious task of filling, and lightly hammering the
areas until everything is back on the same plane. |
At this point, we
are done. You can hardly detect the cowl has been messed with. The
only indication is the slight discoloration at the weld.